ART > 2024 - 2025 >

Coup de Ville 2024 - The Hill They Climb: Artists & Athletes, WARP Contemporary Art Platform (Wase Artistieke Projecten), Sint Niklaas, Belgium [13 April - 19 May, 2024]

“Joe Louis, Max Schmeling”*


ceramic: glaze, underglaze on white slip over red Saint Aubin clay

51.5 x 29 x 20 cm

20-¼ x 11-7/16 x 11-7/16 in.

On display at the Salons voor schone kunsten, Sint-Niklaas BE

*Version 1.0 of artwork HERE

“ [...] each perpetually assumes the guise of the other, creating that dense, many-sided and shifting reality which is the world we live in and the world we make. To tell his story is to begin to liberate us from his image and it is, for the first time, to clothe this phantom with flesh and blood, to deepen, by our understanding of him and his relationship to us, our understanding of ourselves and of all men.

[...] there are whites and blacks among us who hate each other, we will not; there are those who are betrayed by greed, by guilt, by blood lust, but not we; we will set our faces against them and join hands and walk together into the dazzling future when there will be no white or black.”^1

1. Baldwin, James. Notes of a Native Son, (Massachusetts, Beacon Press, 1958), 44 - 45.

Frans Masereel

“Joe Louis, Max Schmeling” 


A4: 29.7 x 21 cm or

11-3/4 x 8-1/4 in

initial sketch: Caran D’Ache fluorescent and Faber Castell colored pencils on paper

Coupe de Ville 2024


13/4/2024 - 19/5/2024


Apostelstraat 20

9100 Sint-Niklaas


Nederlands (NL):

Van zaterdag 13 april tot en met zondag 19 mei zal het kunstenparcours ‘Coup de Ville’ de polsslag in het hart van Sint-Niklaas weerom doen versnellen.

Met het thema 'Artists & Athletes: the hill they climb' trekken we de vete tussen lichaam en geest weer vlot. Zowel in kunst als in sport droomt men immers van de top! Tegengestelde domeinen? Een onoverbrugbare spagaat? Toch voelen roem of tragiek bij beiden even heftig aan. Maar wat is nu precies de betekenis en welke reikwijdte hebben aspecten zoals: talent, discipline, stijl, beperking, duur of kracht in kunst en sport? Die onderlinge verschillen en gelijkenissen onderzoeken we uitvoerig in de komende Coup de Ville.

Wil je slenteren of ga je toch maar eens joggen? Om te genieten van het parcours kiest elk zijn duur. Op negen opmerkelijke plekken tonen we tekeningen, sculpturen, schilderijen, video’s, installaties, glorie en labeur. Niet alleen zijn er 40 kunstenaars bij betrokken, maar ook coaches, atleten-met-olympische-ambities en G-sporters betreden ons podium. Heel de tentoonstelling lang zijn er initiaties, workshops, interviews en activiteiten.

English (EN):

From Saturday April 13 to Sunday May 19, the arts trail 'Coup de Ville' will accelerate the pulse in the heart of Sint-Niklaas.

With the theme 'Artists & Athletes: the hill they climb' we revive the feud between body and mind. After all, in both art and sports, people dream of being at the top! Opposing domains? An unbridgeable gap? Yet fame or tragedy feel equally intense for both. But what exactly is the meaning and what scope do aspects such as: talent, discipline, style, limitation, duration or strength have in art and sports? We will explore these mutual differences and similarities in detail in the upcoming Coup de Ville.

Do you want to stroll or go for a jog? To enjoy the trail, everyone chooses their duration. We show drawings, sculptures, paintings, videos, installations, glory and labor in nine remarkable places. Not only are 40 artists involved, but coaches, athletes with Olympic ambitions and G-athletes also enter our stage. There will be initiations, workshops, interviews and activities throughout the exhibition. ‍

Coup de Ville 2024: een GAMECHANGER.

Deelnemende kunstenaars:

Marina Abramović (RS), Philip Aguirre y Otegui (BE), Katja Aufleger (DE), Sven Boel (BE), Thomas Bogaert (BE), Márcio Carvalho (PT), David Claerbout (BE), Vanessa Daws (IE), Tramaine de Senna (US), Cécile Douard (BE), Filip Francis (BE), Futur-Velours (CD), Katrien Gaelens (BE), Orlando Gentils (BE), Frans Heirbaut (BE), Zarah Hussain (GB), Susanna Inglada (ES), Karel Koplimets (EE), Marie-Jo Lafontaine (BE), Nicolás Lamas (PE), Ina Makosi (SN), Stéphane Mouflette (FR), Pavel Opavský (RS), Stefan Peters (BE), Mikes Poppe (BE),  Michaël Pycke (BE), Yvonne Rainer (US), Edith Ronse (BE), Marianne Schipaanboord (NL), Eva Spierenburg (NL), Fiona Tan(NL),  Nadine Tasseel (BE), Mariette Teugels (BE), Adrien Tirtiaux (BE), Robert Van Dromme (BE), Samuel Vanderveken (BE), Luk Van Soom (BE), Thomas Verstraeten (BE), Katleen Vinck & Marc Vanrunxt & Jan Martens (BE), Miet Warlop (BE)

Tentoonstellingsmaker: Stef Van Bellingen

"Joe Louis, Max Schmeling, Tramaine de Senna, keramiek te zijn by Sint-Niklaas ter gelegenheid van Coup de Ville.”COLLECT België, March 2024. Print.


“Joe Louis, Max Schmeling, Tramaine de Senna, céramique, à voir à Saint-Nicolas dans le cadre de Coupe de Ville.” COLLECT Belgique, March 2024. Print.

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