Friends and Colleagues,

On Sunday, April 7th, 2019, at 3pm, I have the great pleasure to invite you to the opening of  "Een tentoonstelling met posters/ An Exhibition of Posters" at the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

On this day, the collective learning participants of Witte de With will announce a new identity for Untitled, the provisional name of the ground-floor gallery space which is open, free of admission, to the public.

A set of A0 posters (84.1 x 118.9 cm or 33.1 x 46.8), available in an infinite edition, will be unveiled in response to this new identity. Twelve artists, including me, were specifically commissioned to make two posters each. These posters are available for purchase.

I will be delighted to meet you there.


◑ Opening of An Exhibition of Posters

Sunday 7 April 2019, 3 - 6 pm

Location: Untitled (ground floor gallery)

Free entrance

An exhibition of posters by Maja Bekan, Kévin Bray, Chloë Delanghe, Baldvin Einarsson, Priscila Fernandes, Vera Gulikers, An Onghena, Kevin Osepa, Josie Perry, Rory Pilgrim, Tramaine de Senna, and Edward Clydesdale Thomson.

Organized as part of the initiative for collective learning with Gizem Adanur, Chloé Blansjaar, Tayler Calister , Mohamed Chajid, Sjoerd van Kampen, Stijn Kemper, Eva Langstraat, Joy Ravenswaaij and Sytze Vanderwolk.

Curators: Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Samuel Saelemakers

The twelve visual artists, who live in the Netherlands and the surrounding region, were commissioned these posters as part of Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art’s collective learning initiative, with a focus on community building. This initiative entails many activities, including a work/study program designed for Rotterdam youth. The program includes art history courses as well as business workshops, and engages the program participants in skill-building activities to gain skills that range from hospitality to creating collaborative partnerships.

During the first edition nine participants enrolled: Gizem Adanur, Chloé Blansjaar, Tayler Calister , Mohamed Chajid, Sjoerd van Kampen, Stijn Kemper, Eva Langstraat, Joy Ravenswaaij and Sytze Vanderwolk. They are either still enrolled in school or are already pursuing a career in the arts. For a period of six months, these young Rotterdammers met, discussed ideas, and organized public programs together with Witte de With’s Curator of Collective Learning, Jessy Koeiman.

The participants learned and worked in the ground floor gallery space of Witte de With from September 2018 until February 2019. This space has provisionally been called Untitled, and is designed as a site for art displays and public convening, as well as the primary location for the institution’s public programs. At the exhibition opening on Sunday, April 7, the collective learning participants will announce a new identity for Untitled, which they conceptualized and developed during their work/study program.

In an effort to make the ground-floor gallery space more readily accessible to the public, entrance is free of admission.



◑ Opening van Een tentoonstelling met posters

zondag 7 april 2019, 15:00 - 18:00 uur

Locatie: Zonder titel (tentoonstellingsruimte op de begane grond)

Gratis inloop

Houd de middag van zondag 7 april 2019 van 15:00 tot 18:00 uur vrij voor de opening van:

Een tentoonstelling van posters door Maja Bekan, Kévin Bray, Chloë Delanghe, Baldvin Einarsson, Priscila Fernandes, Vera Gulikers, An Onghena, Kevin Osepa, Josie Perry, Rory Pilgrim, Tramaine de Senna, en Edward Clydesdale Thomson.

Georganiseerd als onderdeel van het initiatief voor collectief leren, met Gizem Adanur, Chloé Blansjaar, Tayler Calister , Mohamed Chajid, Sjoerd van Kampen, Stijn Kemper, Eva Langstraat, Joy Ravenswaaij en Sytze Vanderwolk.

Curatoren: Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Samuel Saelemakers

De twaalf beeldend kunstenaars die voornamelijk in Nederland wonen, hebben hun werk gemaakt in opdracht van Witte de Withs nieuwe Collectief Leren programma, dat zich richt op gemeenschapsvorming. Dit initiatief omvat meerdere activiteiten, waaronder het werk-leertraject voor Rotterdamse jongeren, met workshops variërend van beeldende kunst tot het betrekken van gemeenschappen en ondernemerschap. Het doel was uiteenlopende vaardigheden te verwerven: van gastvrijheid tot het creëren van samenwerkingsverbanden.

Tijdens deze eerste editie waren negen deelnemers actief: Gizem Adanur, Chloé Blansjaar, Tayler Calister , Mohamed Chajid, Sjoerd van Kampen, Stijn Kemper, Eva Langstraat, Joy Ravenswaaij en Sytze Vanderwolk. Sommigen van hen studeren of werken en sommigen streven een carrière in de kunst na. Gedurende een periode van zes maanden ontmoetten deze jonge Rotterdammers elkaar, bespraken ze ideeën en organiseerden ze een reeks evenementen samen met Jessy Koeiman, Witte de Withs Programmamaker voor Collectief Leren.

De jongeren hebben vanaf september 2018 tot februari 2019 geleerd en gewerkt in de ruimte op de begane grond van Witte de With. Deze tentoonstellingsruimte met de voorlopige naam Zonder titel is ontworpen voor kunstpresentaties en publieke bijeenkomsten en is daarmee de voornaamste plek voor openbare programma’s. Tijdens de opening van de tentoonstelling op zondag 7 april zullen de jongeren de nieuwe identiteit onthullen voor de tentoonstellingsruimte die zij hebben ontwikkeld tijdens het werk-leertraject.

Om de ruimte zo toegankelijk mogelijk te maken voor publiek is deze ruimte altijd gratis te bezoeken.


Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art

Witte de Withstraat 50

3012 BR Rotterdam

The Netherlands

T: +31 (0) 10 411 01 44

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn | Youtube | Soundcloud

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Through De Aanschouw, DXIX (Rotterdam, NL) and the Torrance Art Museum (Southern California, US), I have the great pleasure to invite you to the opening of CO/LAB 4 on Saturday, March 30th, from 6 - 9pm.

A diptych of mine, Learn and Destroy Version 6.0 (2012), which was displayed at 

De Aanshouw in March 2012, will be reproduced and displayed at the Torrance Art Museum.

Torrance Art Museum (TAM) proudly presents CO/LAB 4, an international, collaborative project which presents eight artist-run galleries and collectives from Los Angeles partnering with eight artist-run spaces from Rotterdam. Sixteen organizations combine their ingenuity to design eight unique curatorial projects. 

The opening reception will be held on Saturday, March 30th from 6 pm – 9 pm

featuring a special mobile exhibition Common Survival curated by the Institute of Queer Ecology in the Gas gallery truck by Ceci Moss. 


Gallery Two – Auratic Geometries: sculpture by Ryan Taber.

Dark Room – The BEACON Project, a rotating video installation fusing art and contemporary social and political issues following 7 themes Curated by Jessa Ciel and produced by Tre Borden. 

Lobby - Aversion, mixed media sculpture by Brian Jones.

Guus Vreeburg, co-owner of HET PLAFOND, will deliver a special presentation on the cultural climate of Rotterdam and introduce the 8 participating spaces from the Netherlands on Saturday, March 30th at 3:30pm.


Torrance Art Museum (map)

3320 Civic Center Drive

Torrance, California 90503 

United States

+1 (310) 6186388


Hours of operation: 

Tuesday - Saturday 

11am - 5pm

Operating hours during exhibition dates only. Closed Sunday, Monday, and all major holidays.

Friends and Colleagues,

I have the great pleasure to invite you to the opening of SUPERNATURAL, my solo exhibition at Pulsar, an independent exhibition space by and for artists, ran by David Wauters. All new works will be exhibited for their first time.

I will be delighted to meet you there.

* * * * *

Tramaine de Senna’s SUPERNATURAL is part of an ever-evolving body of work that bears witness to the artist’s intense relationship with materials and her interest in issues such as the migration of forms, pop and material culture, internalized violence, exuberance, and the enduring ambiguous presence - “ghosts” - of histories. Executed via the plasticity of foam, textiles, and 2-composite materials, the SUPERNATURAL series are sculptures of biomorphic, abstracting, and rectilinear entities, radiating information in non-narrative ways, existing in lives outside human consciousness. These nomadic elements, drifting through time and space, are extracted from a vast visual and audio bank compiled by the artist. They reveal a myriad of ongoing preoccupations including Brutalist architecture of electrical power and telecommunications, children’s television programming, exotica for armchair safari-ers, frontier idioms, architecture between the world wars such as streamline modernism, funk and soul music, toys, and the creativity of “passing” to avoid stigma. She makes a visual and conceptual link, for example, between the physical manifestation of internalized violence and the formalism of certain hybrid plastic injection molded toys, equating both to the grotesque (deformation bodies, tortured souls). In this sense, her forms are analytical and emotive, an exercise in social dissection that inhabits a haunting formalism, heightened by tactility, bouts of scale, and a visceral use of texture and color.


FRIDAY, MARCH 15th, 2019; 19:00 > 22:00


MARCH 15 - APRIL 6, 2019

Viewing dates:

Saturday - Sunday, March 16th and 17th; 14:00 > 18:00

… or visit by appointment: +32 (0) 499 63 21 65


Frankrijklei 51

2000 Antwerp, Belgium

website | Instagram | Facebook

Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten - event

Dear friends and colleagues,

On Friday, November 16th, 2018, from 18-22:00, I am pleased to announce the opening of "In the Pines," a duo exhibition with artist Eline De Clercq at Haecken & Ooghen, curated by Larsen Bervoets.

Several new works of mine will be displayed for the first time in this exhibition.

left image: painting by Eline De Clercq;

right image photo credit (starting at upper right, clockwise): 

New York, New York (1977); Twin Peaks (1990-1991); Being There (1979); Safe (1995)

Haecken & Ooghen

Klapdorp 35

2000 Antwerp (BE)


Friday, November 16, 2018; 18-22:00

Exhibition dates: 

November 17 - December 9, 2018

Gallery hours: 

Saturday - Sunday, 14-18:00 |

Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten event

Facebook event

Friends and Colleagues,

This Sunday, September 2nd, 2018, from 2 - 4pm, I am pleased to announce a "Meet & Greet" with painter Farah Atassi and me, regarding our duo exhibition Universal Folklore at the Constant Permeke Museum in Jabbeke, Belgium.

Register via; 

the tour is free and will commence promptly at 2pm within the ticket office.

This event will coincide with Permeke's Boekentuin.

photos by: Els Verhaeghe


Constant Permeke Museum (Mu.ZEE)

Gistelsteenweg 341

8490 Jabbeke


+32 (0) 59 50 81 18

Meet & Greet 

with Farah Atassi and Tramaine de Senna

"Universal Folkore" 

curated by Ilse Roosens

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

2 - 4pm / 14 - 16 uur

Free; register via

Exhibition dates:

June 3rd - October 21, 2018

Museum hours:

Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 12:30pm, 1:30 - 5:30pm

closed on Mondays

Dear friends and colleagues,

From August 26th until October 7th, 2018, I am pleased to announce "Expo Verknipt" in which I am presenting a new work within WARP's

window display. You are more than welcome to see this and art from "kunstenaars, samplers, leugenaars, residenten en dissidenten."

above: Joe Louis and Max Schmeling

“ [...] each perpetually assumes the guise of the other, creating that dense, many-sided and shifting reality which is the world we live in and the world we make. To tell his story is to begin to liberate us from his image and it is, for the first time, to clothe this phantom with flesh and blood, to deepen, by our understanding of him and his relationship to us, our understanding of ourselves and of all men.

[...] there are whites and blacks among us who hate each other, we will not; there are those who are betrayed by greed, by guilt, by blood lust, but not we; we will set our faces against them and join hands and walk together into the dazzling future when there will be no white or black.”^1


1. Baldwin, James. Notes of a Native Son, (Massachusetts, Beacon Press, 1958), 44 - 45.


Sunday, August 26th, 2018; 14 - 17 hr

confirm your presence at: (free)

Exhibition information:

August 26th - October 7th, 2018

WARP Contemporary Art Platform

(Wase Artistieke Projecten)

Apostelstraat 20

9100 Sint-Niklaas, Belgium

(above): Max Schmeling

Twenty artists received an original copy of Signaal, a very popular German military propaganda magazine distributed during World War II in the occupied territories. Starting from this source material the artists create new work, in diverse materials and contexts. They all work on the thin line between fact & fiction, between truth & lies. 

Verknipt will be officially opened with a speech of political journalist Ivan De Vadderand with a musical sampling by opera singer Eurudike De Beul.

In co-operation with the library of Sint-Niklaas.

(photo above): Way back in 1976 the word Hammerfriar was coined when Jill Plamann and her husband Steve decided to name any 

joint venture they created. Based on the words hammer-for-hire they would do anything they could to earn a dime to support their artistic ventures.


Hammerfriar Gallery celebrates its first 13 Years with a retrospective of 41 artists. This is the final show curated by influential Gallery founder, Jill Plamann, who is retiring after 40 years of presenting art. The Gallery will now continue under the direction of new owners Charly Leys and Glenn Young. Hammerfriar Gallery is dedicated to exhibiting contemporary art with a vision. Since our inception in 2005, we have developed a reputation as one of Sonoma County's premier galleries -- representing both established and emerging artists from the greater San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. Our artists are diverse in their expression and backgrounds, yet they share a common intuition and vision that is conveyed in their individual styles and mediums. Through exhibitions of paintings, sculpture and mixed media art, we come together to explore a central philosophy deeply

rooted in humanity, time and space.


Chris Beards, Edi Bergman, Seymour Bergman, Francesco Cafiso, Ryan Carrington, Peter Crompton, Robyn Spencer-Crompton, Sandy Deeks, Ryan Douglas, Ann Gerber, Harley, Pamela Holmes, Jenny Honnert, John Hundt, Britta Kathmeyer, Sally Krahn, Frank LaPena, Pat Lenz, Hamlet Mateo, Gene McClelland, Penny Michel, Frank Miller, Monty Monty, Art Moura, Jann Nunn, Daniel Oberti, Sherry Parker, Molly Perez, Catherine Richardson, Deborah Salomon, Tramaine de Senna, Bill Shelley, Judson King Smith, Claude Smith, Robert Michael Smith, Shelley Spira Burns, Alice Sutro, Mike Tinney, James Vogel, Victoria Wagner, and Kathleen Yorba


June 23 - August 25


June 23

6 - 9 PM 

Hammerfriar Gallery

132 Mill Street, Ste. 101

Healdsburg, CA 95448


Tu-Fr, 10-6, Sat, 10-5

From June 3rd to October 21st, 2018, I am pleased to announce an exhibition curated by Ilse Roosens of paintings by Farah Atassi

and a mixture of new and older works from my oeuvre at the Constant Permeke Museum in Jabbeke (through Mu.Zee in Oostende, Belgium).

Like Constant Permeke’s, the works of Farah Atassi and Tramaine de Senna manifest a keen interest in folkloric motifs. The artists copy and mix the imagery of objects that are often situated in an ethnographic or design context, such as carpets, masks or toys. In the first half of the twentieth century, Permeke and several of his contemporaries adopted the forms of African masks and sculptures. They were motivated by a fascination with the aesthetic qualities of the objects. 


Sunday, June 3, 2018: 11am / 11uur

Registration required, click this link

and enter this code: Zomerfestival2018

Meet & Greet with Farah Atassi and Tramaine de Senna:

Sunday, September 2, 2018: 2 - 4pm / 14 - 16uur

Both artists will take you into the exhibition (during Permekes Boekentuin). 

Register via

You are cordially invited to the preview of 'Popo-caté-petl' on Friday 25 May 2018 in Bernaerts Kunstveilingen at 6 pm.

The exhibition will be open during the Antwerp Art Weekend, the 26 & 27 May 2018, from 12-18:00.

During the evening of January 9, 2018, I am pleased to exhibit my new works - Rancho Meadows - during Trampoline Gallery's /’haɪə en (nʊ)/ exhibition series. Please stop by if you are in the area.

/’haɪə en (nʊ)/

From December 7th, 2017 until January 20th, 2018, Trampoline invites you to its new project /’haɪə en (nʊ)/, a series of group and solo exhibitions, concerts, events, lectures, performances, screenings and talks, curated by Simon Delobel.

Artists exhibiting are: Stefaan Dheedene, Manon van den Eeden, Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Vaast Colson, Simon Wald-Lasowski, Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson, Social Harmony presenting David Edren, Kris Van Dessel, Tramaine de Senna, Yannick Ganseman, CMMC, Nienke Baeckelandt, Ken Verhoeven, Guido de Pooter, Peter Lemmens, and Kris Van Dessel.

Next to the normal opening hours, the gallery will be open each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening, from 8 to 11 p.m. and will function as a bar.

Check Trampoline's Facebook and Instagram accounts for the day-to-day program.

Thanks to Tubelight for the collaboration concerning the review of the various events.

Trampoline Gallery

Vlaamse kaai 47

2000 Antwerp

T Simon Delobel (founding director) +32 493 07 81 53 

T Daniela Apice (director) +31 642 14 13 62 



EXTRA OPENINGS HOURS for the /’haɪə en (nʊ)/ project

Tuesday, 8-11 p.m.

Thursday, 8-11 p.m.

Saturday, 8-11 p.m.

On Saturday, November 25, 2017, from 12 - 4 o'clock p.m. / 12 - 16 hour, I am pleased to announce the opening of 'There is Always An Alternative', an exhibition by Platform102, taking place at the Moonens Foundation in Brussels, Belgium.  Works from eight sets of artists, including my new DEVO-LUTION series, will be exhibited.

(above, from left to right): a work by Arianne Foks; one of my Laborers or Mixed-Blood Motifs

and, a work from the DEVO-LUTION series.


Cultural cliches are the source of inspiration for the presentation 'There is Always an Alternative'. The show comments on the power to change mindsets towards a concept of identity that denies singularity through reinterpretations of social ethics, behavioral stereotypes, and social justice.


Ben Benaouisse (MA/BE), Beverly Buchanan,1940-2015 (US), Tramaine de Senna (US), Arianne Foks (FR), Industry of the Ordinary (US), Saori Kuno (JP), and Joel Tauber (US)

To coincide with 'There is Always an Alternative' a series of 'playlist interventions' will be released over the course of the presentation in collaboration with podcast Rue14n14. This exhibition is curated by O. Rynell Cash.


Saturday, November 25, 2017; 

from 12 - 4 o'clock p.m. / 12 - 16 hour 

Exhibition Dates (by appointment):

November 26, 2017 - January 12, 2018

More info: 

Website: Platform 102

Facebook: Platform 102


Moonens Foundation

Rue Philippe de Champagne 50 

1000 Brussels, Belgium

'Exposition réalisée avec le soutien de la Fondation Moonens'

I am proud to announce that on ​Wednesday, November 15, 2017, at 16:30, AZ Alma Ziekenhuis - Zorg met een Hart - will ​present their publication, "Kunst in opdracht in AZ Alma," highlighting art specifically commissioned and installed within this new hospital's healing environment. 

A walking tour including all sets of ten artists' works accompanies this event.

​Two sets of my commissioned artworks will be in the unveiled publication for the evening. 

These commissioned artworks are:

1) two facing tapestries (above, left) of the AZ Alma's "healing hands" with laser cut imagery adhered onto two layers of organza and silk; at 5 stories tall each - 15.5 meters (H) x 6 meters (W); and installed within the main entrance hall/ atrium.


2) 1- to 6-panel unique lenticular "moving" photograph sets of my artworks, permanently installed within 25+ waiting rooms/ wachtkamers (above, right).

AZ Alma Ziekenhuis will also conduct a walk-thru tour of installed artworks by artists: 

Sander Anseeuw, Joke Raes, Tramaine de Senna, Hans Everaert, Willy De Sauter, Steven Baelen, Paul Gees, Sarah Westphal, Cindy Wright, and Hans Vanderkerckhove


16U30: Onthaal

17U00: Academische zitting door dhr. Hans Martens, directeur Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten in Mechelen en curator

18U00: Rondgang langs de kunstroute o.l.v. de leden van de kunstcommissie van AZ Alma 

19U00: Receptie

AZ Alma Ziekenhuis

Ringlaan 15 

9900 Eeklo


Algemeen nummer: +32 (0) 9 310 00 00

above: One of twenty-five commissioned wachtkamers/ waiting rooms with lenticular photographs of artworks.

(above): My commissioned artwork - a view of AZ Alma Ziekenhuis' first floor atrium/ entrance hall with two "healing hands" curtain panels @ 15.5 meters (high) x 6 meters (wide) with laser cut imagery, adhered onto two layers of organza and satin.

(above): Some of many dedicated caretakers and medical practitioners working at Eeklo's AZ Alma Ziekenhuis - Zorg met een Hart.

On Sunday, September 17, 2017, at 14:00 hour/ 2:00 o'clock p.m., in the company of many artists' works, including mine, I have the pleasure to announce the opening of "Traumdepot - Plastik / Kunststoff" at Traumdepot Burgernziel Bern, Switzerland. Please stop by.

(above, left to right): "Learn and Destroy, Version 3.0"; "Absurder Kinky"

Artists exhibiting: Niki de Saint Phalle, Willy Suter, Vivi Linnemann, Kurt Baumann, Rudolf Tschudin, Walter Vogeli, Peter von Wattenwyl, Thomas Probst, Lis Kocher, Margo, Milan Spacek, Ottmar Hörl, Oliver Czarnetta, Tramaine de Senna, Johannes Haider, Peter Probst, Hanspeter Schumacher, Christo, Christoph Pöggeler, Rosalie, Frédéric Belser, Peter Binz, Franca Heller, Markus Gauch, Ruth Moro, Markus Bless, Verena Immenhauser, Bernhard Annen, Adrien Jutard, Katharina Henking, Eugene Traber, Katharina Mörth, and Maria Dundakova

Vernissage/ Opening:

Sonntag, 17. September 2017; 14:00 Uhr/

Sunday, September 17, 2017; 2 o'clock p.m.

Ausstellungsdauer/ Exhibition dates:

17. September 2017 bis zum 29. Oktober 2017/

September 17 - October 29, 2017


Sonntag, 29. Oktober ab 12:00 Uhr/

Sunday, October 29, 2017; 12:00 o'clock p.m.

Öffnungszeiten/ Open hours:

Donnerstag & Freitag, 15:00 - 19:00 Uhr

Samstag & Sonntag, 12:00 - 17:00 Uhr/

Thursday - Friday, 3 - 7:00 o'clock p.m.

Saturday - Sunday, 12 - 5:00 o'clock p.m.

Ausstellungsort/ Exhibition location:

Tramdepot Burgernziel Bern

Thunstrasse 104 - 106


Die Ausstellung ist für alle Besucher Barrierefrei zugänglich.

Gemeinschaftsprojekt von:

Ute Winselmann Adatte, art curating

Tel. 032 322 95 55

Natel 078 736 09 37

Marianne Reich Arn

Tel. 031 311 48 49

Natel 079 688 22 52

On Wednesday, March 29, 2017, the new hospital of AZ Alma in Eeklo, Belgium, will open to the public. I have the pleasure to announce the completion of two sets of commissioned artworks - the atrium and wachtkamers - within this healing environment.

<LINK to project>

AZ Alma - Nieuw Ziekenhuis < LINK >

Nieuw adres: 

Ringlaan 15, 9900 Eeklo, Belgium

On Saturday, November 19, 2016, from 6 - 9:00 o'clock p.m. / 18 - 21 hour, I have the pleasure to announce the opening of "Small Works" at Hammerfriar. My ceramic VOMs, which I made and imported from the Netherlands, will be on display. Please stop by.

(above): wet-sanded plaster V.O.M. forms in preparation for making slip-cast molds for earthenware ceramic V.O.M.s

Exhibition dates:

November 19, 2016 - January 28, 2017 

Public reception:

Saturday, November 19, 6 - 9:00 o'clock p.m.

Hammerfriar Gallery

132 Mill Street, Suite 101

Healdsburg, California 95448 (US)

telephone: + 1 707 473 9600

hours: Tuesday - Friday: 10 - 6pm; Saturday: 10 - 5pm

Small Works by:

Sandy Deeks, Pamela Homes, Britta Kathmeyer, Penny Michel, Frank Miller, Jann Nunn, Tramaine de Senna and Bill Shelley.

On Saturday, September 10, 2016, from 6 - 9:00 o'clock p.m. / 18 - 21 hour, I am pleased to announce the opening of my solo exhibition 

with a new body of work at Hammerfriar. Please stop by.

Exhibition dates:

September 10 - November 5 extended to November 12, 2016 

Public reception:

Saturday, September 10, 6 - 9:00 o'clock p.m.

Hammerfriar Gallery

132 Mill Street, Suite 101

Healdsburg, California 95448

telephone: + 1 707 473 9600

hours: Tuesday - Friday: 10 - 6pm; Saturday: 10 - 5pm

If you are in Chicago's Lower West Side/ Pilsen (Plzeň) neighborhood this upcoming Friday,  May 20th, 2016, from 6 - 10pm, please check out "paperworks", an exhibition organized between Antena (US) and Platform 102 (BE).

"Paperworks" brings together the work of five young international artists sharing a common theme of reinterpretation in their practice. At some point each artists has used paper products in untraditional methods to express issues such as memory, politics and public interactions. The eclectic and minimalist installation of works organized by Platform 102 (Brussels) at Antena (Chicago) explores these issues through the mediums of video, photography, instructions and process driven practices. This exhibition as in part curated by O. Rynell Cash.


Léa Belooussovitch (FR), Marc Buchy (FR), João Freitas (PT), Saori Kuno (JP), Tramaine de Senna (US)

Opening: Friday, May 20th, 2016; 6 - 10pm

Exhibition dates: May 20 - June 17, 2016


1755 S. Laflin Street

Chicago, Illinois 60608


facebook: platform102

If you are in Antwerp for the weekend, come see "The Moving Image: HISK at Antwerp Art Weekend", Friday - Sunday, May 20 - 22, 2016

(image courtesy of: Jonathan Paepens, "As he Descended the Mountain")

"Bellestelle", my collaborative short film, will start Sunday's screenings at 12:00pm.De Studio, Maarschalk Gérardstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen (BE)

Opening: 2016/05/20 12:00

Art Festival link

HISK event

Guy Van Bossche: Unterseeboot über Malermeister - a retrospective at Mechelen's Cultural Center, December 5th, 2015 - February 7th, 2016 

My work, the Laborers hung between works by Koen van den Broek and Guy Van Bossche 

If you like, this upcoming Friday, December 4th, 2015, from 19h00 - 22h00 in Mechelen's Cultural Center, Guy Van Bossche's retrospective, Unterseeboot über Malermeister, will occur with works by:

Carla Arocha and Stéphane Schraenen, Guillaume Bijl, Wim Catrysse, Colson, Bert De Beul, Tramaine de Senna, Niels Donckers, Robin Foesters, Daan Gielis, The Letter dozers, Ria Pacquée, Eleni Paschalidis, Koen Sels Jelle Spruyt Walter Swennen, Dennis Typhoid, Anne Van Boxelaere, Koen van den Broek, Patrick Vanden Eynde, Rinus Van de Velde, Marc Vanderleenen, Pieter Vermeersch and Luc Tuymans.

Opening: Friday, December 4th, 2015; 19 - 22h00

Exhibition Dates: December 5th, 2015 - February 7th, 2016 

Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday, from 13h00 - 18h00

Cultuurcentrum Mechelen

Minderbroedersgang 5

2800 Mechelen

Tel.: +32 0 15 29 40 00

Fax: +32 0 15 29 40 29



Guy Van Bossche, represented by MULIER MULIER GALLERY

"It takes two to make an accident" 

HISK Laureates 2015

Our final exhibition after two years of research at the Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten

Opening: Friday the 13th (of November 2015), 6 - 10:00 'clock p.m. + After party in the HISK Café.

Exhibition dates: 

November 14 - December 7, 2015

HISK, Charles de Kerchovelaan 187a, 9000, Gent (BE)


Friday the 13th (of November 2015), 6 - 10:00 'clock p.m. 

+ After party in the HISK Café.

Hours of operation: 

Thursday - Monday, 12 - 6:00 o'clock p.m

2015 Laureates:

Loukia Alavanou, Leyla Aydoslu, Benjamin Verhoeven, Flurin Bisig, Laure Cottin Stefanelli, Raffaella Crispino, Tramaine de Senna, Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir, Marie-Fleur Lefebvre, Ella Littwitz, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Egon Van Herreweghe, Klaas Vanhee

Curator: Selen Ansen

Grete Simkuté wrote an article for Belgium's (h)art magazine (October 22, 2015) about my solo exhibition, which will close on Halloween, October 31, 2015. 

From September 25 - October 29th, 2015, fellow colleagues and I will be exhibiting at the sixth Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Art Center Hugo Voeten proudly presents my solo exhibition, exhibiting from August 28th to October 31st 2015.

Published text:

The Californian artist, Tramaine de Senna, is interested in the migration of forms in relation to material culture and political economies. Through a staging of her work as artifacts, de Senna cues a visual cinematic memory in relation to the viewer under which histories manifest. Next to older works, the emphasis of this exhibition will be on her most recent creations.

Tramaine de Senna (°1981, San Francisco, California) is currently based in Ghent where she is following an artist in residency at the HISK (Higher Institute of Fine Arts).

Curator: Lisa van Gerven


Thursday, August 27, 2015

20:00 - 23:00

Exhibition dates:

August 28 - October, 2015


Vennen 23

2200 Herentals, Belgium

Phone +32 (0) 475 55 51 25




Tramaine de Senna and Laure Cottin Stefanelli are happy to invite you to a dinner followed by an artist talk in Céline Germès' studio on Wednesday, July 1st, starting from 20h00.

SPINNEREI HALLE 14, Ground floor

Spinnereistrasse 7

04279 Leipzig-Plagwitz, Sachsen


As part of a one-month exchange between the H.I.S.K. (Higher Institute for Fine Arts, Advanced Studies & Practice-based Research in Visual Arts; Ghent, Belgium) and the Spinnerei (Leipzig, Germany), two artists, Laure Cottin Stefanelli (FR) and Tramaine de Senna (US), will introduce their work. 

For the month of June, I will be on an artist exchange at the Spinnerei in Leipzig, Germany

Radio interview with a Ghent (BE) radio station for HISK Open Studios: << LINK >>

IF YOU WISH... come see my new works at the HISK OPEN STUDIOS 2015

Vrijdag/ Friday 29 May 2015 — 14:00 > 20:00 

Zaterdag/ Saturday 30 May 2015 — 14:00 > 20:00 

Zondag/ Sunday 31 May 2015 — 14:00 > 20:00 

Maandag/ Monday 01 June 2015 — 14:00 > 20:00

Elke dag videoscreening + interviews met de kunstenaars in hun studio door Vincent Geyskens en Oscar van den Boogaard. Voor meer informatie, zie

Every day videoscreening + interviews with the artists in their studio by Vincent Geyskens and Oscar van den Boogaard. For detailed information, see


Loukia Alavanou GR, Leyla Aydoslu DE, Flurin Bisig CH, Laure Cottin Stefanelli FR, Raffaella Crispino IT, Tramaine de Senna US, Lydia Debeer BE, Indrikis Gelzis LV, Minja Gu KR, Alejandra Hernández CO, Lien Hüwels BE, Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir IS, Marie-Fleur Lefebvre FR, Ella Littwitz IL/DE, Almudena Lobera ES, Oleg Matrokhin RU, Pedro Moraes BR, Joke Raes BE, Jura Shust BY, Diana Tamane LV, Anne Van Boxelaere BE, Emmanuel Van der Auwera BE, Egon Van Herreweghe BE, Klaas Vanhee BE, Benjamin Verhoeven BE, Wieske Wester NL


Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten

Higher Institute for Fine Arts

Charles de Kerchovelaan 187a

9000 Ghent, Belgium

(T): +32 9 269 67 60


Starting Friday, May 22nd @ 7pm, and throughout that weekend, I am pleased to announce Cruz & Gomez's "The Fallibility of Formulation"; a group exhibition located in Genk, Belgium. Ten artists, including me, will present work;15 maps of 10 limited edition prints, made by each artist uniquely for this show, will be for sale. 

Cruz & Gomez

Maaseikerbaan 96

3600 Genk


(above): initial design for limited edition poster to be sold during the weekend exhibition

Check out my new work, the Candy Colored Clown, at the HISKCafé, located in the mezzanine of Hall 3, during Art Brussels this year if you are in town.

Opening hours:

Friday 24 April - Preview (11am-5pm) & Vernissage (5pm-10pm) by invitation only

Saturday 25 - Monday 27 April, from 11am - 7pm

Monday 27 April, from 11am - 8pm

Thursday 23 April - Gallery Night (in the city), from 6 to 9 pm 

Brussels Expo (Heysel)

Halls 1 & 3

Place de Belgique, 1

1020 Brussels

On behalf of HISK's publishing of "The Institute" - 20 years and 230 artists, Belgium's VRT Nieuws (Channel 2) aired two interviews pertaining to the HISK: one with our Director, Oscar van den Boogaard; and another with three (of twenty-six) artists currently attending the HISK.

On Sunday, September 28, 2014 from 15 - 19h, Tramaine de Senna - Public View,

curated by O. Rynell Cash, will commence. Private viewings begin September 29 through 

November 9, 2014 by appointment at Platform 102 in Brussels, Belgium.

Platform 102

rue Antoine Dansaert 102 

1000 Brussels, Belgium 

white buzzer 

+32 (0) 485 824 257

"For her presentation at Platform 102 works in fabric, ceramics and video by de Senna will be shown addressing the idea of how comfort is used as an illusion in society to maintain certain social standards." 

-- O. Rynell Cash

(above): "Parallel Worlds of Superficial Appearances, Part 2

from the "Facades and Fetishes Series"

whole and detail views

satin; unique


(above): "V.O.M. = Vague Object Motifs, Aqueous Series"

from the "Facades and Fetishes Series"

illuminated on oak veneer pedestals

polyester resin; unique


HISK Open Studios: May 23 - 26, 2014 

HISK, Charles de Kerchovelaan 187a, 9000, Gent (BE)

Opening times: 14:00 - 20:00

From May 21 - 25, through the generosity of Club Solo (Breda)

in collaboration with the M HKA Antwerp, one of my works will be on view in 

one room of Amsterdam's Holiday Inn. 

A work of Dirk Braeckman along with one of Minnette Vári 

will be on display as part of this spatial intervention 

on the occasion of Amsterdam's Kunstvlaai 2014

From April 25 - 27th, I will take part in Art Brussels,

which will also include a coaster design I made for DUVEL beer.

"The Appearance of Things

viewing by appointment 

@ SALON2060 | + 32 (0) 329 25 290 

16 February - 14 March, 2014 

Maaldersstraat 40, 2060 Antwerp, Belgium 

On November 9th, from 7 - 8pm, I will commence my retrospective with an artist talk 

@ Hammerfriar Gallery in Healdsburg, California. Please stop by.

Niek Hendrix of the LOST PAINTERS blog visited our MFA graduation show at 

De SERVICEGARAGE in Amsterdam. Please stop by.


Graduation Show, Master of Fine Arts, AKV | StJoost 


OPENING: SATURDAY 22 JUNE 16.00 - 22.00 







Performance by Una Björk Sigurðardóttir on Saturday, the 29th of June, 19.00 



EXHIBITION DATES: 27 June – 7 July / GALLERY HOURS: Thursday through Sunday 12 – 18.00

From the 23rd of November to the 2nd of December, 2012 our Masters of Fine Art class will be presenting works at Kunstvlaai 2012 in Amsterdam (NL). Please stop by.

Senior Editor Goli Mohammadi of the quarterly DIY / DIWO Magazine MAKE

wrote an article, "QUEEN OF CAULK" about my I LOVE CAULK FROSTING SERIES

in the issue of Make 31: PUNK SCIENCE 

"Who knew caulk came in so many flavors?" - Goli Mohammadi 

<< link to article - "Queen of Caulk" >>

Along with nine of my MFA colleagues at St. Joost, I will present my most current work 

at our end of the year exhibition in 's-Hertogenbosch, THE OTHER: 

From the 23rd to the 30th of March, 2011, a current work of mine will be on display 

at Rotterdam's De Aanschow. Please stop by.





W 64CM X H 115CM X D 36CM 

or W 25-3/8IN X H 45-1/4IN X 14-3/8IN 



Friday, March 23rd, 2011 | 9:00pm / 21:00 

De Aanschouw

Witte de Withstraat 80

3012 DC Rotterdam

The Netherlands

From February 17th - 19th of February, 2011, my work, ABSURDER KINKY will be exhibited @: 

"The River of Hope" via the Tupajumi Foundation 

and the SUPERMARKET 2012 Stockholm Independent Art Fair



(VIEW #1) W 89.1CM X H 42CM 

or W 35IN X H 16-1/2IN 


SUPERMARKET 2012 Stockholm Independent Art Fair


Sergels torg 3

Stockholm, Sweden 


mixed media on plastic, W 140CM x H 200CM, 2011 


mixed media on plastic, light; W 140CM x H 200CM; 2011 


MASTER of FINE ARTS @ AKV St. Joost Den Bosch 

Onderwijsboulevard 256 

5223 DJ s'-Hertogenbosch, NL 

Vernissage / Opening: Thursday, 26th of January, 2012 | 5 - 8:00 pm 

Exhibition dates: Thursday through Saturday, from the 26th - 28th for January, 2012 

Opening hours: Friday - 9:30am - 6pm | Saturday - 9:30am - 4:00pm 


will be exchanged, for what it's worth @ 

@ FITAX750 at TENT through the TUPAJUMI Foundation

on the 8th of December 2011 // 6:00 o'clock p.m. 

TENT | Witte de Withstraat 50 | 3012BR Rotterdam | The Netherlands 

(TENT is onderdeel van CBK Rotterdam) 





W 152CM X H 203CM 

or 4FT 11-13/16IN 


left: VERSION 1.0 - LEARN AND DESTROY SERIES (detail) | mixed media on black paper | W 138CM x H 152CM | 2011 

right: VERSION 2.0 - LEARN AND DESTROY SERIES (detail) | mixed media on white paper | W 138CM x H 150CM | 2011 

F A C E / O F F 

project initiated by Rob Scholte 

in conjuction with Thomas Bakker 

MASTERS of FINE ART @ AKV St. Joost Den Bosch 

Onderwijsboulevard 256 

5223 DJ s'-Hertogenbosch, NL 

Vernissage / Opening: Friday, 25th of November, 2011 | 3 - 6:00 pm 

Exhibition dates: Friday and Saturday the 26th of November, 2011 | 9:00am - 5:00 pm

My work, along with my 1st year colleagues and 2nd year MFA class of St. Joost 

will hold presentations of our works at Museum De Pont

Museum De Pont

Wilhelminapark 1

5041 EA Tilburg

The Netherlands

T: +31 (0) 13 543 8300 


11:00am, Wednesday, 14th of September, 2011

The INCUBATE festival, celebrating culture in Tilburg (NL), will occur in that evening 

PHOTO CREDIT: Kowoon Jang, all rights reserved, © 2010 

Currently, I am attending St. Joost in the Netherlands, for a Masters in Fine Art degree 

At the Quicksilver Mine Co. gallery, my "Vanilla and White Chocolate Guilded Delight" 

will be exhibited for the "Boxed In: A Small Works Show." 

Reception with the Artists: 

Saturday, July 9, 4 - 6:00 pm

The Quicksilver Mine Co.

6671 Front Street

Highway 116

Forestville, California 95436 

Gallery hours: 11 - 6:00 pm daily. 

Closed Tuesday & Wednesday

+1 (707) 887 0799 

For the month of May, I will be the resident artist at the Chalk Hill Artists Residency, which 

is based on the vision of the late JOHN CARL WARNECKE, internationally renowned architect

I had a brief appearance with Brian Hackney on CBS-5's "Eye on The Bay," for the Occidental Day-trip 

part 2 segment, which aired Thursday, the 28th of April, 2011... (@ 0:47 seconds) 

<< link to video >>

For the Emerging Artists' Panel Discussion, I will be giving a presentation on 

Friday, 4th of March, 2011; 6:00 pm 

@ The Sonoma County Museum | 425 Seventh Street

Santa Rosa, California 95401 (USA)

<< link to Sonoma County Museum >>

On the February 16th, 2011, David Wesley Page interviewed me concerning my work 

on display at the Sonoma County Museum. Listen to my radio interview: 

<< link to interview - "A MATERIAL WORLD" >>

on KSRO Newstalk 1350 

@ 8:18 am PST/UTC-08 

Suzanne Daly of the North Bay Bohemian interviewed me in regards to my 

exhibited works at the Sonoma County Museum as part of my Emerging Visual Artist Award. Read the article @: << link to article - "A Material World" >>

I will show a selection of works at the Sonoma County Museum made possible by: 

The Emerging Visual Artist Award from the Cultural Arts Council of Sonoma County 

and  Altes Spital Solothurn's Kultur and Kongresse, Lotteriefonds Konton Solothurn

and Swisslos of Switzerland 


Opening: Friday, February 11, 2011 | 5 - 7:00pm 

Exhibition Dates: February 11 - April 24, 2011

Artist Panel Discussion: Friday, March 4, 6:00pm 

The Sonoma County Museum

Sonoma County Museum

425 Seventh Street

Santa Rosa, California 95401

Switzerland's Solothurner Zeitung has published an article for my 

I LOVE CAULK FROSTING SERIES exhibition at Künstlerhaus S11.

<< link to - English translation - Zeitung - October 2010 >>

Here is part of the invitation announcing my concluding solo show as part of my guest artist residency in Solothurn, Switzerland, where I have produced work based on their particular cultural heritage.

<< link to - artist statement / kuenstler-anweisung >> 

Künstlerhau s11 

Schmiedengasse 11

CH-4502 Solothurn


T. / F.: +41 (0) 32 622 31 40 | | 

AUSBLICK of Altes Spital Solothurn, October thru December 2010, has published a description of my work as their guest resident artist, which will draw to a close with a solo show.

<< link to - English translation - Ausblick - October thru December 2010 >>

Andreas Kaufman of Switzerland's Solothurner Zeitung, wrote an 

article about me as the guest residence artist at Altes Spital Solothurn.

<< link to article - English translation - Zeitung - August 2010 >>

AUSBLICK of Altes Spital Solothurn, July thru September 2010, has published a welcoming announcement for me as their guest resident artist and my upcoming project reflecting the Swiss cultural background.

<< link to - English Translation - Ausblick - July thru September 2010 >>

Altes Spital Solothurn, Kultur & Kongresse 

Oberer Winkel 2 

4500 Solothurn 

Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera / Switzerland 

Guest Artist Greeting Ceremony: 

Tuesday, 10th August, 7:00pm


Opening: Saturday, June 19, 2010 | 7 - 9:00pm 

Exhibition dates: Saturday - Saturday, June 19, 2010 - August 14, 2010

Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 12 - 8:00pm

Buddha's Palm Gallery

974 Gravenstein Hwy. South

Sebastopol California, 95472

Gretchen Giles, Editor of the North Bay Bohemian, 

wrote an article about my recent Emerging Visual Artist grant.

<< link to article - "Emerging Visions" >>





W 100CM X H 75CM 

or W 43-5/16IN X H 29-1/4IN



Healdsburg's Hammerfriar Gallery celebrates the gallery's 5th Anniversary with an exhibition of work by award-winning artist Tramaine de Senna. Fresh from a residency at the GlogauAir program in Berlin, Germany, de Senna is presenting a site-specific installation and a suite of drawings at Hammerfriar beginning on January 9, 2010. An artist's reception will be held on January 16th, from 6 - 9 p.m.

In keeping with the gallery's special interest in conceptual art, de Senna will present an interior using cardboard as the primary construction material. As an artist adept in many media, de Senna utilizes drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture and video in the realization of her work. In exploring the nature of the material world and the manifestations of materialism, de Senna reflects her mimetic skills in reflecting the metaphysical questions that confront contemporary life.

In celebration of its 5th Anniversary, Hammerfriar Gallery is proud to present a major work by this 2010 winner of an Emerging Artist Award presented by the Sonoma County Arts Council.


Jill Plamann

Hammerfriar Gallery

139 Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448

(707) 473 - 9600


Tuesday - Friday, 10 - 18:00

Saturday, 10 - 17:00

Exhibition dates: 9 January - 13 February 2010

Ficken 3000

double dub video shown

October 7, 2009 - at night

Urbanstrasse 70

10967 Berlin, Germany




Opening: Friday, September 25, 2009 | 19 - 22 uhr / 7 - 10:00pm

Exhibition dates: Friday - Sunday, September 25 - 27, 2009

Opening hours: Friday - 19 - 22 uhr | Saturday - 15 - 20 uhr | Sunday - 15 - 20 uhr

GlogauAIR gGmbH

Glogauerstrasse 16

10999 Berlin, Germany

<< >>

Mark Frauenfelder of bOINGbOING, 

posted my experimental video double dub:

<< link to - bOING bOING >>

On July 6, 2009, I will perform as Tremenda Cena, 

my homophonous pseudonym at Performer Stammtisch


Monday, July 6, 2009

Opening hour: 13 uhr / 1:00pm

GlogauAIR gGmbH

Glogauerstrasse 16

10999 Berlin, Germany

<< >>

Along with nine other resident artists, I will present my live-in architectural installation,

WELCOME TO MY CARDBOARD HOME during Project Gestalt Berlin


Open studios / Sound art / Electronica / Experimental / Use of Visuals / Exile

Opening: Thursday, June 18, 2009 | 19 - 22 uhr / 7 - 10:00pm

Exhibition dates: Thursday - Saturday, June 19 - 20, 2009

Opening hours: Thursday - 19 - 22 uhr | Friday - 19 - 22 uhr | Saturday - 15 - 22 uhr

GlogauAIR gGmbH

Glogauerstrasse 16

10999 Berlin, Germany

The Hammerfriar Gallery will have some of my works from the 


Opening: Saturday, April 11, 2009 | 6 - 8:00pm

Exhibition dates: April 2 - May 6, 2009

Opening hours: Tuesday - Friday, 10:00am - 6:00pm | Saturday, 10:00am - 5:00pm


132 Mill Street, Suite 101

Healdsburg, California 95448



20 GOTO 10



20 GO TO 10


On Saturday, October 4th, 20GOTO10 Gallery presents "The Butcher Boutique," a selection of recent works by Tramaine de Senna. Playing with scale and texture, de Senna transforms the gallery into a specialty shop focused on narratives of flesh, inviting viewers to savor the delicate tension between attraction and repulsion.



Richard Freedman of the Vallejo Times-Herald wrote an article about my recent solo show, 


At the 111 Minna Gallery through the Trigger Collective, 

I will present some of my work in a group exhibition.

Opening date: Friday, July 11th, 2008 | 9pm - 2am

111 Minna Street 

San Francisco, California 94105

At the Frame of Mind Gallery, I will present my most recent works as part 

of my DISGUST AND DESIRE SERIES in a solo show.


Opening: Saturday, May 17, 2008 | 4 - 6:00pm

Frame of Mind

6671 Highway 116

Forestville, California 95436 

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